pioneer machinery

Introduction of product history and Trace back system

In the Wire & Cable industry, once flaws are detected in the cable, it is necessary to find out the reason leading to the flaws in order to clarify responsibilities as well as to avoid this situation from happening again in the future. At the same time, the manufacturing process can be optimized, which might give customers more confidence in our product.

However, this problem-finding process takes lots of time and effort, especially when it comes to long production runs. Aiming to improve time and effort consumption when searching for the flaw's reasons, Pioneer Machinery has developed the product history and trace back system. 
pioneer machinery

Product history

In cooperation with the event logging system, production data of key areas would be uploaded and stored in the database of SmartFA sequentially. Data in the database is well organized and conveniently retrievable.
pioneer machinery

Time trace back system

Once a flaw is detected, the Time trace back system retrieves every piece of product history related to this product and then rearranges the sequence of the event to find out the exact point in which the flaw appeared. By cross-verification on each related production information we can analyze and speculate the possible reason which is causing this flaw.
pioneer machinery


Integrating product history with the AOI system enables all the production information to be displayed on the user interface. Production information includes Date/Time, Event, Position, Work Order and image.
pioneer machinery

Benefits of the product history and time trace back system

Time Decrease

time to collect all of the related information:

1 - 3 days ➟ 0.5 - 1 days

Manpower Decrease

workers needed when gathering information:

2~3 people ➟ 1 person

Immediately output

product history 

without any delay

pioneer machinery

Data mining

Data collected from the event logging system is not only used to create product history but also to find the correlation between parameters and efficiency with regression analysis, which can be a great reference when it comes to decision making.
pioneer machinery

Bring big data into Wire & Cable industry

Through artificial intelligence and machine learning models we can now absorb massive amounts of data and perform different kinds of analysis which helps to understand the correlation between parameters.

pioneer machinery

Benefits of the data mining

Time Decrease

data analytic time

several days ➟ a few hours

Manpower Decrease

workers needed when gathering information

human effort ➟ software

Convenience in searching

data is stored in the database

 in an organized and detailed manner.

Related applications

Pioneer SmartFA

To deal with the problem many cable makers may confront while upgrading to a smart factory,
Pioneer machinery has developed its own smart factory platform.


To implement digital flow, now, companies don’t need to spend a lot of money to
replace their existing machines. All they have to do is to integrate Pioneer Smartbox to
their equipment as an alternative solution.

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