
Wire & Cable industry experience



Wire & Cable machinery supplier


IOT Association Ranking



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What should you do after digitizing?

After production lines have been digitized, many traditional factories might feel overwhelmed by the tons of information received. 

Challenges after digitizing 

After digital transformation, factories might not have the ability to organize and manage the collected data, which might result in the loss of all this valuable information.

Connectivity issues with production system

Production systems, like ERP and MES, are unable to connect directly with the production lines for features such as order delivery and parameters indication.

Pioneer SmartFA

To deal with the problem many cable makers may confront while upgrading to a smart factory, Pioneer Machinery has developed its own smart factory platform.

Building for the wire & cable industry

With 48 years of experience in the Wire & Cable industry, Pioneer offers the best fit in platform customize services.

Integrate different production systems

Through SmartFA, clients can integrate their own system onto SmartFA and communicate with each other.

Building database

With a database, recorded data can be managed in an effective and efficient manner.

Why is SmartFa a Game changer?

A web-based platform to allow managers to understand the situation of the production lines comprising the whole factory through remote monitoring.
Building a complete digital flow system which lets information transfer more conveniently and without delay.
The data in a database is well organized and searched easily. It is an excellent reference when it comes to decision making or manufacturing process optimization.
To fit different scales of factory, SmartFA offers a wide range of models available.

Remote monitoring


SmartFA Modules


job management

Energy system

OEE system

predictive Maintenance

Pioneer AOI system

Fast integration modular

Product history & Data mining

What’s next on SmartFA

To be much closer to the needs of our customers, Pioneer expects to construct its own SmartFA App and integrate it with cooperation platforms, such as bitrix24. Therefore, notifications can reach people through their phone in real time.



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Pioneer SmartFA

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